Wow. It's overwhelming to start wrapping my head around this. When meeting with Emily Rinkema (twitter: @CVULearns) I found myself even struggling to verbalize what I needed to get going. The hardest part for me is taking what I believe is a great project, breaking it into Learning Targets, and from there getting to the direct instruction lessons needed for the students to apply their learning to the project. Early days as the project takes shape, but the hope is that 6th grade will work in design teams. One class will work on designing the bell tower entrance. This space will need new cement work, benches and other items to help spruce up the look to that space as it gets redone next summer. The other project I'm hoping to see out is redesigning the gym locker rooms. This would allow students in our wing to have more access to bathrooms, something they ask for it seems every year.
To do all this I'm using a graphic organizer from the Buck Institute. They focus on PBL and put together a great document that I plan on using as often as possible. I'll start filling that in before I set up a calendar to determine when I'll teach what skills. From there, I'll check back in with Emily and have her edit and make changes. I also need to setup a time with Greg to come kick the projects off. It's overwhelming but exciting!
Before I start down the PBL highway I'm going to use Jo Boaler's (twitter: @joboaler) "Week of Inspirational Math" to help get the students up and running and give myself time to get to know them so I can create the most successful groups possible. More to come for sure!